The Healthy Gaming Addiction Podcast Library
Episode 30 - Understanding Shawn Woolley’s Story
After reading, Your Son did Not Die In Vain, by Liz Woolley, the host tries to make sense of what can be learned from Shawn’s story. The host focuses on the signs that Shawn was suffering from gaming addiction, and elaborates on some of the common threads the host had experienced himself.
Episode 29 - My Home Invasion Experience
The host describes his strange home invasion experience, and compares his response today against how he would have reacted just a year ago... and why his excessive gaming would have had a negative impact on him during this chaotic period.
Episode 28 - A Warning For Parents Waiting Too Long For Help
Parents, don't wait too long to get help for your son who is excessively gaming. Gaming Addiction does not go away, and the host recalls his time in active addiction as he tries to warn about the result of waiting to long. Join the host in finding your desire to put an end to the issue that is sweeping the world.
Episode 27 - Covid-19 Anxiety and Its Effects
The host pontificates about Covid-19 Anxiety, Gaming Addiction, and their link together. What if excessive gaming is a natural way to deal with the pandemic and its effects? Find out if you agree with the host.
Episode 26 - Gaming Relationship Stats
In this fun episode, the host presents his take on relationships created and maintained via video games, and provides some interesting stats about relationships that were formed and developed in video games.
Episode 25 - Why Go To School?
Is going to school in person worth it? Why learn about quadradic equations if you want to be a car mechanic? All of the information in school can be learned online anyways. Maybe the host can shed some light on this. Join us in this episode trying to find the underlying purposes of going to school.
Episode 24 - NFT’s Metaverse, and Video Games as a New Society
The host tries to predict what all of the technological advances in cryptocurrency, NFT's, and the Metaverse today will mean for us as humans, and what we as people part of the revolution should do.
Episode 23 - Getting Into Therapy (Feat. Ryan Heapy, LMFT)
(Warning: Episode contains explicit content)
Good friend, Ryan Heapy, LMFT, joins the host into explaining the process of getting into therapy, becoming a therapist, and discusses his dark history that led to a meaningful and purposeful life.
Episode 22 - The Metaverse and Gaming Addiction Pt. 2 Virtual Real Estate and The Consequences
The host elaborates his understanding on what the Metaverse is, and what it could do to expand gaming addiction beyond the "average" gaming addict. Find out the host’s take on the metaverse and where it is going to go in this episode.
Episode 21 - Signs of Addiction - Pt. 1 Virtual Real Estate and The Consequences
In part 1 of this series, the host looks at a more detailed view of what addiction looks like, and how gaming addiction contrasts from other addictions. The host also gives a real life example of two cops that may be addicted themselves which led to truly dishonorable behavior.
If you have any questions about video game addiction, feel free to go to my website at
Episode 20 - Covid and Dealing With Loss
The host recounts his time with Covid-19, but also shares his experience in dealing with loss and feeling helpless. Find out how gaming addiction and excessive gaming played into his time dealing with illness and loss.
Episode 19 - Life Audit
Are you ready for 2022? The host urges you to take a look back at 2021 before moving forward. This episode dives into the life audit as the host explains that being honest with yourself is the only way growth can happen. That means looking into the dusty closet and taking an honest assessment. Are video games filling up the spaces that should be filled by other things?
Episode 18 - Pt. 3 The Holiday Hangover
Are you ready for the holidays to be over? Did you get a new video game to escape into? Don't be sucked in by the postpartum depression of the holiday season and fall into a lengthy staycation in your home. Give this time before summer new meaning. Find out what the hosts suggests in this episode of the Healthy Gaming Zone.
Episode 17 - Pt. 2 Taking Risks During The Holidays
Do you dread holiday parties? It would be so much easier if the family could celebrate through video games, but instead they insist on meeting in person. The host of this episode has a few words of wisdom as he explains his experience with taking risks as an introvert during holiday family parties.
Episode 16 - Holiday Thoughts Pt. 1
Setting financial boundaries during the holiday season is difficult enough, but it's part of knowing your limits. Gaming addicts have difficulty setting boundaries with themselves, but loving relationships are the best place to practice. Listen to find out the host's thoughts on boundaries during the holidays.
Episode 15 - The Tough Questions
Have you ever felt like everything you try as a parent does nothing to help your gaming addicted kid? Have you ever thought that maybe you're contributing to the problem? Find out what needs to change as the host directly talks to the support system of video game addicts.
Episode 14 - The Beginnings of Gaming Addiction Counseling
The beginnings of any long term project fantasize about its end, but rarely is the path taken the same as the one envisioned. The host talks about why he specialized in video game addiction, why he became a marriage and family therapist, and what he has learned so far from his practice; Gaming Addiction Counseling
Episode 13 - Update on Activision Blizzard Lawsuit from DFEH
The host discusses updates on Activision Blizzard and his thoughts about the gaming company, their behavior, and how their stock has been affected.
Episode 12 - Identity Development and Video Games
The host reveals what he believes is the primary reason people resort to video games for relief and how playing video games becomes a surrogate environment to develop and form identity.
Episode 11 - Needs and Wants Fulfilled By Gaming
Do you know what needs are being fulfilled or missed by gaming? Maybe you know a person that spends most of their time grinding away in their favorite video game. Here is an insider's perspective on what video games give and take away.