6 Problem Behaviors Caused by Gaming and What To Do
Video games are all around us, but are there any negative side effects from overuse? Based on research, explore the 6 problems caused by excessive gaming, and find out what can be done.
Gaming Trends During The Pandemic and Beyond
How much did the pandemic affect gaming behaviors, and are people going back to gaming trends before the pandemic? The answer may be surprising.
The Gift Of Shared Experience
Busy trying to find the perfect gift for your gaming kid? Maybe don’t get them another game this year and instead, give them the gift of experience this year.
The Hardest Part Of Saying No
A choice to play video games now may mean the difference between happiness and stress later. Find a broader view on choices that may impact your view the what may be considered simple, unimportant decisions.
Signs and Symbols: Directions from The Universe or Misunderstood Coincidences
Do you believe the universe or a higher being send us signs to guide us, or are these all coincidences? Maybe this article may change your mind. I take a step away from gaming to talk about my personal experiences with signs and symbols from on high… maybe.
Quitting Video Games Pt. 6 - 154 Days
After 5 months, I've stayed strong and stayed away from gaming. Not everything has been smooth sailing trying to stay away from video games, but I've found out so much about myself during this time. Find out what I've learned, what I've gone through, and how I continue to do it.
The Effects of Toxic Gaming Behavior
Competitive video games are known to have toxic communities and behaviors. However, does the flaming and harassment have lasting effects long after the games are turned off? Find out how toxic communities affect the gamers within them.
Blurring The Lines of Gaming and Reality: Root Cause or Red-Herring
Are video games responsible for bad behavior, or are they an easy scape goat? Find out what some of the research has to say on the matter.
Resetting the Addict State of Mind: From Self-Pity to Self-Acceptance
A deeper dive into why I stopped gaming, how I got my life back after being addicted to video games, and where I go from here. If you or someone you know struggles with gaming addiction, have them read this. It will show them there is a better side to life than being in front of a screen.
Excessive Gaming: The Creativity Killer Pt.2 - Tapping Into the Imagination
Here is part 2 to The Creativity Killer. I dive into what stops creativity, and how to tap back into creativity when balancing on the line of reducing gaming, and progressing in life.
Quitting Video Games Pt. 5 - Day 88 – Creeping Thoughts, Compound Addictions, and Winning
Part 5 of being sober from gaming for 88 days. I discuss my struggles and cravings so far including the interaction of gaming and alcohol. I also talk about a major win I haven’t felt in over a decade. Come take a look and see if you relate.
Quitting Video Games Pt. 4 - Day 69 - Cleaning Out The Skeleton Closet
Part 4 of quitting video games of a video game addict. I find out how dishonesty plays a part in keeping people in their addiction, and how difficult it is to stay true to my purpose.
Quitting Video Games Pt. 3 – Week 8 – The Worst Of It So Far
As I continue my journey quitting video games, Week 8 took a massive toll on me. Learn about how this rough part of the journey was a necessary obstacle along the way.
Quitting Video Games
Walk with me through the journey of quitting video games. Video Game Addiction is not an easy thing to walk away from, but I want to show you isn’t impossible.
Dating A Gamer: The Question That Shouldn’t Be Asked
Wondering if you should date a gamer? Find out what it means to date a gamer, and if it should matter.
5 Tips to Reduce Excessive Gaming
During the COVID-19 pandemic that has trapped us in our houses, requiring human contact and entertainment be conducted through screen, excessive gaming has naturally risen. What can be done? Use these 5 tips and get started getting your life back on track.